The Lakehead Thunderwolves Hockey schools continue to be a growing success in Northwestern Ontario. Director and Thunderwolves Head Coach Pete Belliveau started the school three years ago with a two-week camp in Thunder Bay that attracted 120 kids. This year, the schools fourth, there are a variety of programs throughout the year in Thunder Bay and Kenora that have an enrollment of 680 boys and girls from the house league level to AAA level from ages 6-16 ; making the school one of the largest in the region.
The schools instructors are Belliveau, Lakehad assistant coaches Darren Nicholas, Dan Bissonette, and Paul Mackett, Lakehead players, and special guest instructors. This season saw Canadian National Womens Team Head Scout Wally Kozak and Tampa Bay Lightning Assistant Coach Negel Kerwin running high performance camps in Thunder Bay. Lakehead players like Captain Joel Scherban, Peter Cava, Chris Whitley, and Dan Speer were on hand in Thunder Bay while Jeff Richards was instructing in his hometown of Kenora.
Both the kids in the classes and their parents have really enjoyed the Thunderwolves Hockey School experience as proven by their continuing positive feedback and by the yearly growth in enrolment. The schools also help support Thunderwolves hockey and also give the young players a chance to interact with their heroes from the Lakehead team.
Belliveau said the schools success is due to its instructors and their love of the game of hockey. Were very flattered by the growth and success of our schools but theres no magic formula. We have great instructors in our players, guest coaches, and ex-pro players who all install in the kids a passion for the game. Passion is the key because when the instructors have it; the kids pick up on that and have even more passion for the game and the skills we are teaching them.
The school teaches young players all aspects of the game; skating, shooting, checking, stickhandling, passing, and team play. Classes ran in Kenora from July 18-29 and Thunder Bay from August 1-26. There will be Power Skating classes in Thunder Bayfrom September 6-16 as well as a four-day clinic for Novice, Atom, and Pee Wee players at Christmas.