Lakehead Athletics is proud to announce that it will be producing a new one-hour sports program on Lakehead Radio CILU 102.7 FM. The new program is called Thunderwolves Power Hour and can be heard every Tuesday night at 6:30 beginning this Tuesday, September 20th.
The program will focus on all aspects of Lakehead Athletics and give Thunderwolves fans up-to-date information on their favourite varsity teams and their results. Thunderwolves Power Hour will give coverage to club teams, campus recreation leagues and any and all programs and events at Lakehead Athletics during the year. Thunderwolves Power Hour will also feature live interviews of athletes, coaches, and special guests. As well, there will be a little music to keep the power up and maybe a contest or two!
Thunderwolves Power Hour is being produced with the assistance of students from the Confederation College Broadcast Program and will be hosted by the Argus campus newspaper Sports Editor Alan Wickware and Lakehead Athletics Sports Information Director Mike Aylward. Thunderwolves Power Hour can also be heard around the world on the net at at 6:30 pm EST.
Check out details of the upcoming show on the Thunderwolves Power Hour page by clicking here!